Tag Archives: Gremlin

What Do You Deserve?

Recently, I was working with a client*, who was looking to bust a move – she wants change. She has a job she loves, amazing family and friends and contributes to those around her in a big way. AND she wants more money, more abundance, and more freedom.

We started exploring what that would look like. She recalled a period when she had nothing. It was the happiest time of her life.

I could hear it in her voice – the purity of that time.

Then I got one of those intuitive hits – and something felt off – I wondered if there was some sort of disconnect – or subconscious denial of self of having this life of wealth and abundance. After all, if she was the happiest when she had nothing, would having ‘it all’ mean that she would be unhappy?

So we dug a little deeper. What was holding her back from this life she so wanted? We were quiet and waited and then she heard the voice…“You don’t deserve it.” She nearly gasped.

Wow. Whose voice is that? Da-da-da-dum…cue the scary music. Continue reading